Hi, I'm Charlie!
Good to see you here! Let me tell you that I'm an MBA, Civil Engineer, and Project Manager, also I'm passionate about innovation, sustainability, and I have a lot of introspection. If you want to be in touch with me, do not hesitate to reach out!

Who am I?
My name is Carlos. Carlos Antonio to be more precise. I have plenty of nicknames, but the most common one is: Charlie.
My dad is Ramírez and my mom is Sandí. It is always important to remember that who I am is a contribution from both.
This website is the medium by which I want to share more of who I am, what I do, and a little bit of what's in my head (and other random things).
You can also find me here: LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter or Medium.
and education
I am a Civil Engineer (University of Costa Rica), MBA (Vlerick Business School), and Project Manager with +8 years of work experience, in which, among other tasks, I have managed cross-functional international teams (1-50 people) in real estate and construction projects. innovation (+$50K - $50MM) pursuing not only financial and technical performance but also excellence in sustainability.
Being able to find balanced solutions (People-Profitability-Planet) resonates with my professional mission, which is why my adaptability and resilience are characteristics that help me achieve the goals that I set for myself. I am also a writer in my free time and I have already written two books: El Eco en mi Cabeza (2019) and Business Strategy (ebook, 2020).
Want +info?
Check out my detailed CV, read it, and if you want to keep this conversation going, you can write me to [email protected] or [email protected].